Frederick Tregillus Letters from the Cariboo Boys
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BC Archives MS-0426
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from Quesnelle and a young man Carson from Pavillion. The 172d Battn - Rocky Mountain Rangers - is no more. It is broken up and drafted into other units - a pitty for a finer lot of young men was seldom seen before. I heard today that some of them there were sent over to France have been wounded - about 300 went over in drafts. We will all be over before verry long. I have my name in for several jobs, amongst others: Sailmaker, Machinist, Engineer and Interpreter. At the present time I belong to the 24th Recerve, into which outfit I were transfered from the Canadian Mounted Rifles, an outfit I were not sorry to get out of as I never felt at home on the Hurricane Deck of a Cayuse. We are leaving here in a few days for Seaford but have not got the proper address yet and in the meantime the old one will do. I will now bring my letter to a close hoping you will be able to read my Hieroglyphics. The pen don't seem to travel as it used to - wonder if I am getting old. When we get out of Quarantine which will be about the middle of next month I am going to [illegible] for a few days leave. Which I should be more then entitled. So as I have had none before except the six days when I came here and I might have something to tell you when I get back. Give my best whishes to Mrs House, Mr & Mrs McArthur, Frank Murphy and your family and whishing you all kinds of Good Luck and Sucsess
I remain Sincerly Yours
John Petterson 687728 B. Coy 172d Battn. Bramshott
BC Archives, MS-0426 Box 1 File 9 / TREGILLUS, Frederick James, 1862 - 1962. Barkerville, miner. / Correspondence from John Pettersen, 1917.