Frederick Tregillus Letters from the Cariboo Boys
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BC Archives MS-0426
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the name of all that's pure and holy I ever get out in one piece. They always say a fool for luck so I guess that must be me. You will see by my address that I have left the 29th and am now in what is termed out here a suicide gang. Well maybe it is a little more dangerous but it is full of excitement all the time and one gets full value for his money I can assure you. We have been out on a rest for a few days but tomorrow night it is "Up the line with the best of luck" as we call it for another go at those Huns. Oftner I go into these mixups the surer I am that this thing is never going to finish, but I don't think those Huns have any shells or bullets with my number on it, so I should worry. Saw HH Jones a day or so
BC Archives, MS-0426 Box 1 File 7 / TREGILLUS, Frederick James, 1862 - 1962. Barkerville, miner. / Correspondence from Joseph Callanan, 1915 - 1916.