Arthur Douglas Crease Letters, Diaries and Scrapbooks
Letters from Arthur Douglas Crease of Victoria to his brother Lindley Crease and his mother Sarah Crease; instructions for the offensive of July 26, 1917; a regimental notebook, diaries and scrapbook. Learn more.
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BC Archives MS-0055; BC Archives MS-2879
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Windsor Citizen Says He Was Wounded by One of Liquor Law Enforcement Officers ㅡ Sues for $25,000
WINDSOR, Ont., Nov. 10.ㅡThe suit brought by Ernest Bergeron and his wife against Licence Inspector Mausbeau and ten men working under him for $25,000 damages for injuries suffered by Bergeron on the night of April 3, when one of the officers shot him in the neck, [illegible] opened yesterday afternoon at Sandwich.
According to the testimony, Bergeron and his wife were returning home from a visit to relatives on the Malden Road when a man stepped out in the roadway with a flashlight. Bergeron said that he took the man for a robber, and, therefore, shot his car ahead at full speed. A machine followed him, he said, the occupants of which kept up a continual gunfire, and he was hit in the back of the head. The officers admitted, Begeron said, when they saw who it was, that they had made a mistake.
Inspector Mousseau, under whom the men were acting, but who was not present at the shooting, admitted that the men were sent out by him to follow up a tip that liquor was being hidden on the Malden Road that night. Mr. Mousseau denied that he had given orders for the men to shoot, and he said that the O.T.A. had made no provision that the enforcers of the act should carry weapons or shoot.
LONDON, Nov. 10.ㅡMrs. Kathleen Blackader, who was shortly to marry Colonel Hamilton Gault, formerly commanding officer of the Princess Pats battalion, was killed yesterday. She was motoring with Colonel Gault to the West Somerset fox hounds meeting. The auto skidded and overturned. Colonel Gault was not injured.
MONTREAL, Nov. 10.ㅡA cablegram has been received by Dr. A. D. Blackader, this city, stating that his daughter-in-law Mrs. Kathleen Blackader, widow of his son, the late Captain Gordon Blackader, of the 42nd battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, had been killed in an automobile accident near Taunton, Somersetshire, Eng.
The late Mrs. Blackader was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Newberry and a granddaughter of a famous physician who served with the Hudson's Bay Company in British Columbia half a century ago.
Mrs. Blackader and Col. Gault were to have been married in two weeks' time.
James Kramer at Hazleton last February was upheld by the British Columbia Court of Appeal yesterday. The court allowed an appeal taken by the Crown against a judgment of Mr. Justice Murphy, who had quashed a magistrate's decision holding the seizure regular under the Provincial game laws.
Judgment was reserved by the Appeal Court in the appeal of the Crown against an order of Mr. Justice Morrison, who quashed a conviction of Police Magistrate High A. Heggie, of Vernon. Magistrate Heggie had held George H. Dabie, hotelman guilty of an infraction of the B.C. liquor law in allowing drunken persons on hotel premises.
Foreign Minister Says He Is Going to Meeting of Assembly at Geneva With Full Belief in Its Success
PARIS, Nov. 10.ㅡArgentine is read to do her utmost to contribute to the success of the League of Nations, said Honorio Peuyrredon, Foreign Minister of that country, to a representative of the Paris newspaper Eclair.
"I am going to Geneva to the meeting of the League assembly," he said, "with the greatest enthusiasm; I believe in the success of the league, if each nation brings to it goodwill. And that seems easier than the pessimists imagine. Nationalism, properly understood, is not incompatible with healthy internationalism.
"Argentina, it is said, did not directly contribute to the aims of the league, but this is no reason she should not take the liveliest interest in it. I will tell you something that never has been published in this [...]
BERLIN, Nov.10.ㅡHope for improving Germany's food situation through increased home production and improvement in the method of handling importations was expressed by Andre Hermes, the Minister of Food, to the main committee of the [...]
Mr. Bowser at Cranbook Condemns Reckless Extravagance of Present Administration
CRANBROOK, Nov. 10.ㅡSpeaking before an audience that filled to capacity the Cranbrook auditorium, Mr. W. J. Bowser last night vigorously attacked the administration of the Public Works Department, and criticized the government, declaring it to be reckless in its expenditures of the public money.
The Opposition leader was severe in his criticism of the manner in which the Premier, as Minister of Railways, had conducted the affairs of the P.G.E. He declared that one of the first things he would do, if elected to power, would be to retire Mr. A. Buckworth, general manager of the provincial railroad. If chosen to lead the Government on December 1, said Mr. Bowser, he would secure as executive head of the Province's railroad, a competent engineer, thoroughly trained in railroad work.
If he was privileged to lead the Government next session, said the Conservative leader, he would lose no time in doing away with the expensive land settlement board of today and replacing the system with that of extended credits to farmers. He would also actively take up the question of irrigation in order to stimulate production and settlement.
PARIS, Nov. 10.ㅡThe death of Duke Lugwig, of Bavaria, senior member of the House of Wittelsbach, to which the kings of Bavaria belonged, is announced in dispatches from Basle, Switzerland. He was in his 90th year, having been born in Munich, June 21, 1831.
The Duke has been twice morganatically married, and in 1913 was granted a divorce at Munich from his second morganatic wife, Antone de Bartolf.
In some messages reporting the demise of Duke Ludwig he was confused with the former King Ludwig III of Baravia, giving wise to the erronous reports of the death of that aged ex-monarch, who abdicated late in 1918, and has spent most of his time since in Switzerland.
Fire Wipes Out Building and Stock of Adams Brothers, Leather Goods Dealersㅡ Neighboring Firms Suffer