Transcription Page

Arthur Douglas Crease Letters, Diaries and Scrapbooks

Letters from Arthur Douglas Crease of Victoria to his brother Lindley Crease and his mother Sarah Crease; instructions for the offensive of July 26, 1917; a regimental notebook, diaries and scrapbook. Learn more.

*All transcriptions are provided by volunteers, and the accuracy of the transcriptions is not guaranteed. Please be sure to verify the information by viewing the image record, or visiting the BC Archives in person. 

BC Archives MS-0055BC Archives MS-2879



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23rd Mch/17

My dear Lindley,

I was indeed glad to get your lr. of 26 the Feb. chock full as it was of newsy items most of which were quite new to me - You hit on a nail in that respect upon which no one else has trodden, for I don't get the Colonist & of course the wife doesn't naturally concern herself with such things, nor do I expect her to, as you may imagine - At the same time it is almost a superfluity to say that these things are more interesting to me - I am going to have the "Colonist" sent to me, at least 1 no. per wk so that when (& if) I do return

BC Archives, MS-0055 Box 15 File 2 / CREASE FAMILY / Letters from Arthur Douglas Crease to his brother, Lindley Crease, 1917.

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