Arthur Douglas Crease Letters, Diaries and Scrapbooks
Letters from Arthur Douglas Crease of Victoria to his brother Lindley Crease and his mother Sarah Crease; instructions for the offensive of July 26, 1917; a regimental notebook, diaries and scrapbook. Learn more.
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BC Archives MS-0055; BC Archives MS-2879
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The Col. was kind enough to say that I was next in line but one for a captaincy. I should be next if it had not been for the return of one of the officers who had been so long away that he did not remember me.
We are in a new part of the country which was tremendously fought over in the war of 1870 and has been twice fought over already in this war. There is one large village on the line which is entirely obliterated, almost as much as St. Eloi in the Salient. The success of the War Loan is splendid.
Everyone's spirits & hopes
BC Archives, MS-0055 Box 15 File 2 / CREASE FAMILY / Letters from Arthur Douglas Crease to his brother, Lindley Crease, 1917.