Reverend Robert James Roberts Diary 1893 (A/E/R54/R54 1893)
Missionary, educator, colonist—Robert James Roberts was born in Ireland on December 8, 1831. He graduated from Trinity College Dublin in 1857 then journeyed to North America, arriving in Upper Canada in May of that year. The following year he met Anglican Bishop of Upper Canada Maurice Scollard Baldwin and expressed an interest in serving the Church of England. Roberts was admitted to Deacon’s Orders on December 15, 1858 and acted as a missionary for 20 years. Learn more.
Reverend Roberts often made notes in Pitman’s Shorthand which can be found throughout his journals and diaries. Please see the Pitman's English and Shorthand Dictionary if you would like to attempt a translation.
BC Archives PR-1511 Robert James Roberts fonds, 1845-1905
*Please note that archival source materials are original historical documents that have not been censored, reviewed or otherwise altered by the Royal BC Museum. Some materials may contain content that is racist, sexist or otherwise offensive. The Royal BC Museum is only the custodian of archival materials; the content does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Royal BC Museum.
*All transcriptions are provided by volunteers, and the accuracy of the transcriptions is not guaranteed. Please be sure to verify the information by viewing the image record, or visiting the BC Archives in person.
Current Page Transcription [edit] [history]
Sunday 1st Continued January 1893
back with us to help I'm [?] as P. thought it was going to blow hard but we had little wind until until we was close to our bay. Near the Bluff Deena and R went ahead in the jolly boat. R. to see to the cattle "Doon" had tried to get them all in. He had a tremendous fires in the house. Rooms excessively warm. To bed about 1/2 past 11pm.
Monday 2nd. Nearly 8 oc when I got up. went to look at sheep. another has lambed (L's a ewe lamb) in P.M. another(mine a ram lamb). Jack ? wanted me to give him an order for Brandy for Annie saying she was sick. And I could not but note to Tomas or Lomas? re the matter. Terry put covers on sails. ? walked back to Thetis Mrs Welborn went with him as far as R/ or Th? I was at a/cn all day. Wrote to E T Bain Joshua Kingham E B Mason - sent chq McQuade - sent chq Jeune - sent chq John Roberton - sent chq Walter Bros. - sent chq
right margin weather mild /right margin
Rainy January Tuesday 3 1893
Mrs Welborn went away. Terry took her to Chr in "Mary" and mailed letters for me. One of the lambs died. Ian's washing chez nous, Deena now teaches the ? children for L. In eve old Jim Qua? from Pen? and wife came for medicine. I gave him plaster for his back . He was afraid it wd blister him. In am the boys hauled wood. I piled brush did not work much - not well enough to do a great deal of anything. Read for 1st time some of Kipling's writings.