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1903/18 Rex vs. D.L. Ray and Wing Wo – murder (Trail)


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Q. What part of the thyroid had been forced into there? A. It had all been forced upwards and outwards. A What do you mean by outwards ? A This way (indicating). Q In other words the pressure had apparently been brought from behind it? A No; the pressure came from in front of it/ Q Would it naturally not shove it back instead of forward if you push hard ? A If you push there hard enough you would be fully convinced; you push upward; if you press hard enough it's got to come out. Q. In other words upwards and outwards.? A yes. Q. Now a man lying in the position you state the body was in, supposing, following up your theory, a man came up to throttle him, would'nt the marks be up and down the neck instead of straight across it ? A You would'nt reach up. Q. But a man the way you've last showed us there-it's the way you would naturally do it, is it not? On one side or the other of the neck instead of across it ? A Yes. Q So then in a case of that kind the scars would'nt be straight across the neck they would be up and down on it, would they not ? A I don't know exactly what you mean, Mr Gillan. Q Suppose a man reaches to choke; we'll presume that's the neck (indicating) he naturally would catch him that way ? A Sure. Q. Then the marks would be up and down instead of straight across ? A. They would be one above the other. BC Archives GR-0419 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 95 File 1903/18 Attorney General documents.