William Law Ogilby Diary
Diary of William Law Ogilby. Learn more.
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April 25th Last night we were so disgusted with our cook that we unanimously drew up a petition asking for a new one and worded it some how after this fashion -
To W. R [illegible] Esq. Surveyor for Railway Belt
We the undersigned consider our present chef-de-cuisine totally incapable of acting any longer in the great part a cook has to play in a survey party do herewith pray he may be discharged and a new one takes his place.
W.L.O (Head Chainman) G.C. (Chainman) T.S. (Head Axeman) T.B. (Axeman) N. McF. (Axeman) T.B. (Packer) P.C. (Packer) W.M. (Packer) P.C. (Packer) P. McT. (Packer)
BC Archives, AAAA1452 File 1 / OGILBY, William Law / Diary, 27 Mar to 8 Oct 1892.