Frank Swannell Diaries: Part I
Diaries of Frank Cyril Swannell Learn more.
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BC Archives MS-0392 - Box 1, Volume 4-5
*Please note that archival source materials are original historical documents that have not been censored, reviewed or otherwise altered by the Royal BC Museum. Some materials may contain content that is racist, sexist or otherwise offensive. The Royal BC Museum is only the custodian of archival materials; the content does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Royal BC Museum.
Current Page Transcription [edit] [history]
Reuter Despatch states that Germany now admits to having lost 43 submarines since the beginning of the war
Our patrols are still very active. A scouting
party left trench 130 & proceeded to U8d58 where it was found the enemy are planting small land mines which explode on contact. These mines are very cunningly concealed, being placed in a small hole and covered over with leaves & grass, matting them very difficult to detect. A mine of the above nature was exploded by one of our patrols, leaving a crater 4' deep & 8' in diameter. Subsequently an officers patrol found a grenade with a trip- wire attached.