Frank Swannell Diaries: Part I
Diaries of Frank Cyril Swannell Learn more.
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BC Archives MS-0392 - Box 1, Volume 4-5
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Current Page Transcription [edit] [history]
Muskrat Mound (N3a5.5 is centre of spec. -No evidence at present that this mound is being used extensively as a M.G.emp. and its purpose, as various other mounds is a matter of much interest. Lack of concealment precludes the possibility of their being waste dumps from mineshafts. Prisoner 5th Bav. Regt gives strength of companies-200 rifles, mostly Ersatz reservists. Losses in Messines area very slight, many days go by with a single casualty in the Coy. M.G. Coy: divided into 4 Zuge, each with at least 3 guns Nine new MG's have been allotted to Regts of 4th Bavar. Div - uncertain how these were employed or whether they belonged to extra "Feldmaschinengewehrzuge Messines is completely in ruins - the cellars, however, are elaborately concreted & always occupied by one Coy.