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Henry Masterman Mist Diaries and Prisoners Pie Magazine

Diaries of Heny Masterman Mist and a copy of Prisoners’ Pie, the Ruhleben Camp magazine. Learn more.

*All transcriptions are provided by volunteers, and the accuracy of the transcriptions is not guaranteed. Please be sure to verify the information by viewing the image record, or visiting the BC Archives in person. 

BC Archives MS-2570

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and another lady were present. also Bismarck.

Feb. 22. Mon. Geo. Logie & Godfrey Ludlow brought in today.

Feb. 24. Wed. All men over age of 55 or under 17, also all who thought themselves un-fitted for military service notified to report at "Captain's Box" between 3 & 4 p.m.

Feb. 25. Thurs. Five of us, in our loft, had a table made for 4 m. so can now have our meals in comparative comfort.

Feb. 26. Am suffering from chilblains on fingers. Note from Tottie.

Feb. 27. Sat. Got box with provisions fr. Tottie & Frau Pfotenhauer.

Feb. 28. Sun. Snowstorm last night & this p.m. Letters from Mother & Edie of Jan 20 & 25.

Mar. 3rd. Wed. American Ambassador Gerard & secretary inspected the camp in p.m. Letter paper given out for first time today, but only a few sheets given out.

BC Archives, MS-2570 MIST, Henry Masterman Box 1 Diary, Ruhleben, 06 Feb 1915 - O6 Mar 1918. File 2

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