Patullo Family Letters
Letters from James Burleigh Pattullo and George Robson Pattullo Jr. to their father George Robson Pattullo. Learn more.
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In the Field 3-3-18
Dear Father -
Your letter enclosing clippings from World + Mail + Empire on George's articles received - I was much interested in them + very pleased at the compliment to George
The Mail + Empire's reference to censorship was most sensible, though I am not sure that "The first American Raid" would not have passed our censor. It was a splendid account of what a raid means + absolutely accurate in details.
I sent the clippings on to George from whom I have not had a word for a long time. I have written both him + [illegible] but they are silent + I came to the conclusion
BC Archives MS-1188 Box 1 File 5 PATTULLO, George Robson, 1845 - . Woodstock, Ontario Selected letters from his son James Burleigh Pattullo, 1917-1918.