Patullo Family Letters
Letters from James Burleigh Pattullo and George Robson Pattullo Jr. to their father George Robson Pattullo. Learn more.
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attitude with his protestations about fighting [illegible] victorious made a couple of years ago.
The volunteer system was practically dead + if it does seem to me jolly to still say [illegible]. I would like to see the grand old man come out now + help get Quebec in time.
I had a letter from Mary awhile ago + will try and write her very soon. Tom + Joyce seem to be some youngsters not only according to Mary's letters but also the snapshots she sent. Tell Joyce I got her postal card + was very much delighted not only with her writing but as well her composition.
With much love to you all. Yours affect'ly JB Pattullo
BC Archives MS-1188 Box 1 File 5 PATTULLO, George Robson, 1845 - . Woodstock, Ontario Selected letters from his son James Burleigh Pattullo, 1917-1918.