Patullo Family Letters
Letters from James Burleigh Pattullo and George Robson Pattullo Jr. to their father George Robson Pattullo. Learn more.
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me a long time ago, that he would advocate conscription of wealth as well.
Things are moving along very slowly here + it grows tremendously monotonous. All that Canadians have done well, as you will know, wherein, they have been placed + one over Battn, as I have before stated, has always done its share - The advent of the Americans is of course, the - big thing +must of necessity - make the enemy at least thoughtful.
The men are all in good spirits + while they would of course like to get back home, all feel
BC Archives MS-1188 Box 1 File 5 PATTULLO, George Robson, 1845 - . Woodstock, Ontario Selected letters from his son James Burleigh Pattullo, 1917-1918.