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Frederick Tregillus Letters from the Cariboo Boys

Letters to Frederick James Tregillus from Barkerville men who served in the First World War: Joseph Callanan, J.H. Ellis, George Freeman Killam, George Gilchrest, R. Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Nowosky, John Petterson, Ernest Seeley, N.W. Thompson, George Turner, and John Benjamin Westover. Learn more.

*All transcriptions are provided by volunteers, and the accuracy of the transcriptions is not guaranteed. Please be sure to verify the information by viewing the image record, or visiting the BC Archives in person. 

BC Archives MS-0426

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I had to take another inocculation after I got here and have been a litle under the wheather lately on that account, but am picking up again. We are cept pretty busy being here with Physical Drill, our Company Drill in the forenoon and Routmarch in the afternoon and I am loosing a litle of my surplus fat, weighed 13 stone when I came. Father Thames looks about the same as it did 35 years ago not quite as muddy and has not got as much traffic. This is Saturday evening and this afternoon I were down on the bank looking at one of the old time Man of Wars, a three decker, verry likely one of Nelsons fleet. It is stationed here, at anchor a lille ways out in the River and used for a training ship. It set me thinking about the days long gone by where the windjammers were at

BC Archives, MS-0426 Box 1 File 9 / TREGILLUS, Frederick James, 1862 - 1962. Barkerville, miner. / Correspondence from John Pettersen, 1917.

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