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Frederick Tregillus Letters from the Cariboo Boys

Letters to Frederick James Tregillus from Barkerville men who served in the First World War: Joseph Callanan, J.H. Ellis, George Freeman Killam, George Gilchrest, R. Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Nowosky, John Petterson, Ernest Seeley, N.W. Thompson, George Turner, and John Benjamin Westover. Learn more.

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BC Archives MS-0426

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to Canada & B.C. at that.

But at the dispersal camp I was sent to in Eng I was a puzzle, as I realy had no business there. I was demoblised then remoblised then de mob. Then remob & at last finaly de mobed & given a train ticket to here. However I beat them & went to London to see the Canadian High Com'er. He could only tell me to write. I had no faith in it but have done so, with no results as yet. And no wonder considering the great number who are being demobed every day & many of them writing fool letters about nothing. Of course I shant be in want but I dont like to loose another summer away if it can be avoided. I may go and dig up Gen Turner. He would most likely remember me as the man who wished to return to France & might perhaps give me a line to someone with power to untie red tape. I think it rather rotten that I have been used like this. It was pretty bad laying in France & watching youngsters & men who had to be draged up after many fight in tribunals to dodge service getting out by the hundred. It is a fact that those who did most to keep out also did most to get out early & made it stick too. By lies & whinning that some

BC Archives, MS-0426 Box 1 File 5 / TREGILLUS, Frederick James, 1862 - 1962. Barkerville, miner. / Correspondence from Ernest Seeley, 1915 - 1919.

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