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9th Witness


Robert Scott having been duly sworn states On the morning of Thursday the 17th I went to work in a Stall in No. 9 level at half past 5 O'Clock, at about 7 O.C, an explosion took place when I jumped down & called upon all hands to run, we could not get out of No. 9 level owing to the Choke damp & returned to through No. 7. I then went home for a safety lamp & on my return I met them bringing Ronnie up I went down as for No 9. level & found Mr. Little & a few others. three or four as went down & found Andrew Scott alive & carried him up to the fresh air. I returned & found Brebeu[?] Gough on the slope. About 8 O.C. I went down again in Charge of a shift & we put up two stoppings, and found the body of Prellis. On Friday morning I went down about 8 O.Clock & found the bodies of Dixon & two Chinamen in No. 10 level the explosion in my opinion came from the direction of the face of the level my opinion is that Dixon was agead of the Chinamen. Who was found standing up dead it is quite possible that Dixon might have

BC Archives GR-0431 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 2 File 6 Inquisitions/inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia.