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8th witness. George Churchhill having been duly sworn states, I was fireman of the Wellington Mine at the time of the accident. I went through a certain portion of No. 10 level at 10 minutes past 2 o Clock on Thursday morning. I went to where the fire was in Homes heading I did not try the place that was [illeg.] off but I went into Scott & Martins stalls, my duty is to inspect all places safe as well as dangerous my reason for not going into No. 10 level was because it was baned[?] off with a curtain & chalk marks I met Dixon at about a quarter past 6 oC. & I told him I had examined Scotts & Martins places & they were all right. Dixon had two lamps with him a safety lamp & an open one. I did not see any Chinamen go down that I knew were going to No. 10 level. I saw Roberts at the station his duty was to superintend the Chinamen. I heard him tell the Chinamen to go to a certain No. Dixon was present when Roberts spoke to the Chinamen then disappeared down the slope. Andrew Scott went

B.C. Archives GR-0431 British Columbia, Attorney General/ Box 2 File 6/ Inquisitions/inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia