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2nd Witness


Frank Little having been duly sworn states, Before Mr. Sawes [?] arrived at the Mine on Tuesday evening Wednesday Morning I was called up by the alarm of fire & went down to No. 10 level, I found a great many men there before me & amongst them Churchhill & Dixon. We have have one or two fires in No. 10 level before, occasioned by a shot and we had never much trouble in ex- -tinguishing them, as soon as we saw this fire Dixon went to the furnace & put on a good fire for the purpose of drawing the smoke off, he found there we could not get near for smoke & we turned in the air from No. 9. & No. 7 level, we still found we could not get up to where the fire was. after about half an hour trying to get into the fire we found we could not do it*

'*&Changed the air back to its proper course

& then awaited the arrival of Messrs Nobut * Sawer Dunsmuir. they arrived about 3 O.Clock on Wednesday morning what was done subr[?]gheatly to their mine is in accordance with the statement of Mr. Sawer Dunsmuir, I went down the mine with the Messrs Dunsmuir. the last time before the explosion I was down the Mine, was


BC Archives GR-0431 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 2 File 6 Inquisitions/inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia.