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George Morris fisherman being sworn states

This morning about 7 o’clock I was in my boat fishing. An Indian was with me. We saw a body floating down the river in the middle of the current. We went to it, made fast to it wit ha rope and brought it down to New Westminster. I found by turning the body over that it was that of a man and I believe a chinaman. There was a strap around the body at the waist. No other clothing was on the body. I found it in the river about half way between the city and the mouth of the Pitt River.

George Morris his mark X

Taken on oath and acknowledged this 14th day of June AD 1879 before me C.N. Trew Coroner

BC Archives, GR-0431 Box 2 File 5 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Inquisitions / inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia.