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and Long [Tu?] duly sworn as interpreter Ah Soy duly sworn. I found the body near the edge of the slide below the precipice, did not search the body for money. I do not know anything of the deceased. I was informed by Tuck Kie of Clinton by letter to come to make the search as some articles of the deceased were found on the bank above where deceased was found.

Ah Fork duly sworn, says, the dead man was going to work for me, he went to Lillooet, he stayed with me here two days, then we came back together. We came to the part of the trail where it branches off in two tracks, he said he would go by the upper trail . I advised him not, but to go by the lower trail, it was dark or about Sundown, the deceased said he knew the upper trail & walked that way & witness went the lower trail. Witness waited where the two trails meet all night, and then went on to High Bar in the morning. I waited at the claim for three days, thinking the deceased was at some Chinaman's claim on the

BC Archives GR-0431, Box 2 File 5, BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Inquisitions/Inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia