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Jimmy, an Indian being sworn saith

Today I was down at Mary’s house a little above the old mill below New West City – I was standing in the door talking to her. She looked out on the river and saw something floating down the river. She asked me what it was & said she thought it was not a stick but that it was the body of the Chinaman who had fallen in the river a few days ago. I helped her to get her canoe & go out to the body when we brought it ashore and then brought it to town.

Jimmy His mark X

Taken on oath & acknowledged on this 1st day of August A.D. 1877 before me C.N. Trew Coroner

BC Archives, GR-0431 Box 2 File 1 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Inquisitions / inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia.