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By the coroner – Was Chee Quy in the room when she went in. No he had gone out with the baby.

How did she know it? Mooe Mooe told her. Mooe Mooe had told her previously that Foo Hoy had had a child and that Chee Quy had taken it away.

Yong King

Soo Lang

After hearing the evidence the jury directed Jno Chipp M.R.C.F. Eng to perform a post mortem examination.

Jno Chipp M.R.C.F. sworn

I performed a post mortem examination and came to the conclusion that the child did not breathe and therefore was not born alive.

BC Archives, GR-0431 Box 1 File 7 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Inquisitions / inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia.