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return about half an hour afterwards found the deceased "Ah Lung" hanging from a rafter in the Cabin - I took him down and found he was dead, I do not know what could have induced him to hang himself, except that he had been suffering from a bad face which gave him great pain, and at times made him crazey -

By the Coroner - Was any person with you when you found him hanging?

[illegible] - No! I ran out and called An Going who came to me at once -

An Going - Sworn - Says I lived in the Cabin with the deceased "Ah Lung" saw him alive a short time before 5 oclock on Monday evening last - I then went to my work and about half and hour after-wards Ah Hat told me Ah Lung had hung himself - I ran to the cabin found deceased lying on the floor quite dead - Deceased was about 35 years of age - I have known him nine years - He has not owned in any claim for a year and has been living on charity from my cousin

Remarks by a juror Robert Pritchard

Last Saturday night between eleven and twelve oclock I heard some loud talking among the Chinamen I went out and found "Ah Lung" the

BC Archives, GR-0431 Box 1 File 5 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Inquisitions / inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia.