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You now being recalled & duly sworn says I called her about six o'clock in the evening & receiving no answer I called her again & no answer. I then burst open the door which was fastened with an axe. I went in the room & found her dead. I left the corpse & sent a [illegible] up to see the Judge. She is the woman that paid Chinaman Charley $5.00 as license for whoring by order of the Judge. Charley was last in the House about to days back I swear he was not in the house yesterday. I suppose she locked the door herself. The key cannot be found she had jewelry to the value of [illegible] which I saw two days. she was then wearing them. I do not know whether she had them yesterday. I do not know whether she has money

Mr. Chipp being duly sworn says I was called to see Way Toy about seven o'clock in the evening of May 21st & went immediately & found her dead. I could detect only one slight bruise [illegible] on the left side of the body. It looks more like as if produced by a [pencil?] quite superficial not dangerous & consider her to

BC Archives, GR-0431 Box 1 File 3 / BRITISH COLUMBIA, ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Inquisitions/inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia.