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steamer leaves at 7 a.m.; call at Denman Island see an old chum of mine there also see a Dr.[redacted] who met my folks in old country last year. Steaming away we arrive at Nanaimo at 3 p.m. or there abouts where they won't let us land unless we get vaccinated which we have to do; then we go ashore; putting up for the night at the Central Hotel.

Oct 8th. At 8 a.m. we leave Nanaimo for Duncan halfway between the former town and Victoria where we remain until morning of the 9th. We take in the Agricultural show and go to a dance in the evening thoroughly enjoying ourselves;

Oct 9th. [redacted] and I walk to McPherson's station to a friend's ranch where we stay all night; playing the fool generally; so glad

BC Archives, AAAA1452 File 1 / OGILBY, William Law / Diary, 27 Mar to 8 Oct 1892.