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Aug 15th. Go over Divide for grub; a fine day but cloudy strike some very promising copper ore which the surveyor who is well up in mineralogy says promises to be valuable; he goes himself to the rim and knocks off some samples which he sends to Victoria to be assayed.

Aug 16th. Two of the packers go for grub and get letters from home & papers; the packers see a young bear along a lake which they give chase to but fail to get.

Aug 17th. We go for packs; the linesmen see Crown Mountain (the end of the survey in the distance); the surveyor greatly elated as it strikes the mountain by it, I mean the survey line right on the centre.

Aug 18th. Fine day go down to Buttles Lake Pat & I go for a canoe ride to explore far end of lake very squally coming home very nearly get swamped.

Aug 19th. Go back to second lake the

BC Archives, AAAA1452 File 1 / OGILBY, William Law / Diary, 27 Mar to 8 Oct 1892.