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rained pretty hard last night, consequently making the bushes good and wet.

Aug 6th. Go to lake again axemen are back for cooked grub leaving the surveyor up in the mountains they have a pretty tough climb they say and don't see any sign of mineral and see no game of any kind, are going back tomorrow.

"the morning's jump off the raft"

Aug 7th. Get one of the packers and myself go for a ride on the raft and see two panthers coming home quite close to camp; had no rifle with the boat to shoot them with.

Aug 8th. The two panthers visited our camp last night and ate one man's pack straps, also half a feather pillow and tore a pair

BC Archives, AAAA1452 File 1 / OGILBY, William Law / Diary, 27 Mar to 8 Oct 1892.