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we can bring it in; a sack of flour cost exactly .21$ or something one £4 for one 50lb sack of flour by the time it reaches its destination;

July 24th "A mile post placed in position"

"A half mile post in position"

Today being Sunday we are doing our washing and mending & writing up diary also being the Sabbath our cook treats us to plum duff for dinner; Considered a great delicacy on a trip of this kind.

July 25th. The surveyor and I climb Mt Albert Edward today. 7800 ft high to get a view of the country ahead see tracks of several Ptarmigan but don't run across any; a very rough country lays ahead of us and the surveyor does not like the look of the country at all; but it has to be gone over

BC Archives, AAAA1452 File 1 / OGILBY, William Law / Diary, 27 Mar to 8 Oct 1892.