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undergrowth; trees have to be notched to indicate the trail and guide the men from wandering off the line.

July 20th. Finish cutting trail and pack up a load of grub from folks; very cloudy all day; exchange a bad axe for a good one; as packers are away have a good opportunity for doing so; back at 3 p.m.

July 21th. This morning pack a load of provisions to foot of Divide being about 2½ M from camp back at noon afternoon very wet remain in camp.

July 22nd. Move camp about 4 miles farther ahead getting away up by the snow line consequently very cold arrived and get good fires going as soon as possible; see any amount of bears tracks around here hope we are getting into the bears country.

July 23rd. Packing up grub very cloudy but warmer today we are eating up grub very nearly as fast as

BC Archives, AAAA1452 File 1 / OGILBY, William Law / Diary, 27 Mar to 8 Oct 1892.