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one is trying to divide a square into 5 equal squares and so on.

July 13th. Very cloudy and misty all day can't do anything in the mountains except hunt which we do; and get some specimen of copper ore.

July 14th. We are nearly out of provisions; getting on too fast the packers can't keep us going so all hands barring two are sent for grub the two other to find passes thro mountains and try to find Buttles lake; no one has seen Buttles lake or rather no one living the two men that have been there in former days are both dead.

July 15th. Raining hard; in camp all day the two men have returned from their tramp and report a lake 10 miles ahead corresponding to the lake we are in search of.

July 10th. I stay in camp to go up a mountain later with the surveyor to take

BC Archives, AAAA1452 File 1 / OGILBY, William Law / Diary, 27 Mar to 8 Oct 1892.