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ahead. Our packers are gone for grub. See lots of sign of deer & bear in this valley so I hope to get lots of fresh meat from now on.

June 16th. Move camp again to small creek, our cook saw a panther this morning quite close to the tents but by the time he got a rifle the thing of the forrest was not to be seen; no end of exciting hair breadth escapes are related around the camp for tonight one fellow was just awakened by a panther licking his face & so on.

June 17th. Very dull and cloudy today so stay in camp all day, do some mending and darning; also collect some botanical matter.

June 18th. Today we start for a glacier

BC Archives, AAAA1452 File 1 / OGILBY, William Law / Diary, 27 Mar to 8 Oct 1892.