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(44) Comox Lake for supplies will be back tomorrow.

June 2nd. Raining hard all day so can't do anything except keep good fires going in front of our tents.

June 3rd. Still raining hard consequently taking it easy. We try trout fishing with spoon back and catch a few one of the axemen kills a bear making the third one so far.

June 4th. Still very wet. In camp all day, one of our packers while chopping wood chopped two toes off but wrapped them up & hopes they'll grow again. Consequently we'll be one packer short for a month or 6 weeks. The commissariat man comes into camp from Comox Lake with the news of the accident.

June 5th. Today I spend writing letters home and borrow paper & envelopes from one man and ink from another & stamps from a

BC Archives, AAAA1452 File 1 / OGILBY, William Law / Diary, 27 Mar to 8 Oct 1892.