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All hands are put to pack stuff across as fast as possible and after it is done we make our tents as comfortable as possible: first we pitch our tents there level off the ground where we are to sleep afterwards getting all the brush available so as to keep our blankets off the wet ground, and give ourselves something soft to lay on, after our beds are fixed we light up a huge fire in front of our tents and lay back and read anything we may have to read.

May 15th. We are waiting for supplies as we can't do any more to the the line until we move camp again. So we put in the day prospecting with no good results, every one having great faith in finding something in the next river or creek. But the surveyor himself

BC Archives, AAAA1452 File 1 / OGILBY, William Law / Diary, 27 Mar to 8 Oct 1892.