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Sets 4h. 41m. January, 1915. Day 8h. 56m. long

Barrack Room Shorncliffe No. 5 Platoon No. 2 Coy 30th Battalion

Thursday 28 [28-337]

Jubb Record Office London

De Mayer - lost finger right hand.

Chapple FG 16th Wounded May 20th

77115 Discharged (no pension) Gunshot arm & back Discharged

77129 Fowles A. MG. Sect. Severe gunshot wound in back

Friday 29 [29-336]

McKeen 7th

Biddle E. 77103 - Slight wnd Discharged on Pension

Johnston R.B M.G. 16th died of wounds of May 20th shot downwards thru shoulder & lungs with shrapnel in machine gun emplacement on German Commun. Trench

Saturday 30 [30-335] 5th Week

Dan McGregor - 16th Scray of steel in arm 77156 SergT of Sappers

Harry Findley 77127 16th Sgt Bombers slightly wounded May 16 recommended for OCM badly wounded c. left in German lines during a trench raid Oct/16

77125 Entwhistle slight wound


BC Archives, MS-0392 Box 1 Volume 4 / FRANK SWANNELL PAPERS / Diary and enclosures, 1915.