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8 January [25 to 27] 25 MONDAY [25-340] 1st

5 days + 6 Conversion of St. Paul

Bathing Parade in morning at Y.M.CA - Recruit Drill in afternoon Ins'. Atlas Assurance renewal to 25/1/18

5 dys + 6 1/2

26 TUESDAY [26-339]

$25 Gave Copley cheque for $35 - $10 for self Lamport + wife, George, Mabel for evening - MacLead for Tea Recruit Drill all day - Received 10 days pay $11.00

27 WEDNESDAY [27-338]

Recruit Drill all forenoon Judging ranges from sound of shots in afternoon

BC Archives, MS-0392 Box 1 Volume 4 / FRANK SWANNELL PAPERS / Diary and enclosures, 1915.