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April (10 to 12) 10 MONDAY (101 - 265) 4th Month 1916 2h 36m PM (Greenwich)

Take early morning Parade Squad Drill and route route march. Afternoon Lines of fire Go to Picture show with Sharpe + Evans

11 TUESDAY (102-264) Early morning Parade Pick out men from recruits Lecture on lines of fire + Map reading and Prismatic Compass - Hamersley going to apply for me, but War Office wire arrives posting Jones Shepherd to him.

12 WEDNESDAY (163 - 263) Early morning Parade cancelled. Medical inspection + Examination of teeth. Afternoon go around with Maj. Hamersley watching the Telephonists at work. Canadian Casualty Lists very heavy.

Written at right angles in margin: Father's brother - Grocer 30 yrs. ago at Warwick - Sister - married name Clare at Bedford - 2d. husband Conquest - lawyer- Firm Conquest + Clare

BC Archives, MS-0392 FRANK SWANNELL PAPERS Box 1, Volume 5, Diary and enclosures, 1916