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Sets 3h. 51m.] DECEMBER,1915. [Day 8h 2m. long

THURSDAY 2 [336-29]

InsTrucTion on 6" Gun OTher S.R. Officers here awaiTing Course Mahony (AusTralian - Geol. Survey) Young ( " -mere boy-- Warring ( S-African-(Corp. under BoTha-Ger.S.W.Africa) Walker (ArgenTine)

FRIDAY 3 [337-28]

LieuT MaTThaias gives us Guard - mounTing drill. + also LieuT SmiTh - Taller splendid insTrucTor)

SATURDAY 4 [338-27] 49th Week

Leave on DuTy Boat 11am - Drenching rain - Warring. I billeT ouT wiTh Mrs Ball (ShepparTon) - Pembroke Terrace . Spend afTernoon drying ouT. P.D. 100 yrs old.

23--B 5 103

BC Archives, MS-0392, Box 1, Volume 4, FRANK SWANNELL PAPERS, Diary and enclosures, 1915.