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November 1915

Go to Blackheath and lunch with Jack in The Officers' mess of the 8th Post Office Rifles' - The subalterns seem a splendid lot of fellows - 6 of them Canadians - All want to know about the trenches and whether I was coming to them - wish I could but Jack says his expenses are greater than his pay Adjutant going to try and place me with the Territorial Engineers.

Go back to London on top of a tram - 12 miles of continuous city. Find that Russell Ethott has been interesting Sydney Pascall in me - Partner of a large candy firm - in politics - with much interest influence.

Go home to Sidcup with Ted - and am course am pampered some more placarded around - everybody amazed Kitchener's resignation - well they may be - Turns out to be only a canard.

BC Archives, MS-0392 Box 1 Volume 4 / FRANK SWANNELL PAPERS / Diary and enclosures, 1915.