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Billets Fmr Vve Touquet near Steenwerck


Paraded before Gen. Usual soft soap. Battle near Lille still in progress. Very heavy cannonading and rifle fire in the evening, Lusitania torpedoed. Mail from Canada arrived.

Ordered ready to march. Mess orderly today. Have to try two farms before I can get an apology for an axe. Very little artillery firing today.

Confirmation of loss of Luisitania. Drew rations at 4 pm, beef, ham, bread, jam & cheese. Rum ration also tonight.

Escorted by Godenrath four of us visit Dieppe, a sordid town of one long cobble stone street. Dinner chez Mme. Chieux at Steenwerck, bot pork cutlets for five f3.50, potatoes, carrots, bread & coffee ad lib. - 2 fr for cooking. Mme. Chieux has son prisoner in Belgium, showed me Uhlan lance & German helmet.

Hear J.H. McGregor killed in charge of the 16th.

Paraded for Tug-of-war & games this morning. Paid 25fr. & intercept Charlie Swannell at the Estaminet "A la Blanche Maison" and pry 15 fr out of him.

BC Archives, MS-0392 Box 1 Volume 4 / FRANK SWANNELL PAPERS / Diary and enclosures, 1915.