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invitation of the commander of Base No. 1, who turned out to be Frank Reid. Spent the day and night there; visited the hospitals and saw Bob Bowie; had lunch in his mess; also saw Miss Michie and several others I used to know.

A curious thing happened on my arrival from Paris. My instructions were to proceed by such and such a train to Abbeville where an officer with a car would meet me. And when I got off the train, who should step up to escort me but Bill Shaughnessy--Lord Shaughnessy's son--a brother Zete and an old acquaintance. He recalled that the last time we had met was in London twelve years ago.

Must beat it. Leave for the English front again tomorrow to get a story on the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps. The trip will take four days. Then back to Paris to write my stuff; on Sept.30th. I go to the American camps again for some magazine stuff. Will be with the artillery a while; then with the infantry. Expect to be through with that to leave for England around October 15th. Have written Pearl to that effect.

It was rather a hard job covering the subject of the Canadians in one article--but that was all the space they could allow in these wondrous times. I did the best I could. The result is not a highbrow effort; but it has swing and punch, and represents the way I see them. I hope you like it; for , curiously enough, I unconsciously found myself writing for you all the way through. The title is "Fightin' Sons-of-Guns". It ought to be out about Nov. first.

Received an invitation from the French authorities to take a trip to the Moroccan front, but had to decline. It would have made a most interesting trip, especially along the Mediterranean coast; but of course that is only a sideshow now and I cannot leave the main tent. Beside the trip would take

BC Archives MS-1188 Box 1 File 4 PATTULLO, George Robson, 1845 - . Woodstock, Ontario Selected letters from his son George R. Pattullo Jr., 1917-1918.