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124 18th & 19th Weeks. MAY, 1918. 5th Month. 4 SATURDAY [124-241] S.R. 4.31, S.S. 7.24. These be the sisters here - we are overstaffed and underworked as generally in officer's wards. Sister i/c Gay- very easy-going and pleasant-faced - the antitype of the outwardly unctuous, inwardly catty Griff at Netley. Sister James- Welsh - with the strange foreign pronunciation of the English - Middleaged, with spectacles - a gaint[blurred] old soul but kindly if crotchety. Much worried at the pain she gives me in dressing that confounded boil- looking up at my face to see I suppose if I am about to faint- and soothingly calls me "little man." Nurse Leete- when giving me excitement of this nature calls me her baby- but is careful to state it is not because I am crying out like a baby. Sister Donovan is from the rebel town of Wexford - tall and pleasant faced- but more kindhearted than efficient- as her countrymen. [picture label] Nurse Donovan, Nellie Gauley and Nurse Leete - on the steps at the Platanes