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H.M. Submarine E 11. C/O G.P.O. London.

30th: September 1916

My dear Dodie; As you complain so bitterly of my vile writing, I am taking to getting out of the difficulty in the same way as you do, only the machine is very old and rotten. I am sorry that I have not written for so long, but I have been up to my eyes in work, chiefly of the office kind, which goes sorely against the grain as I did not join the Navy to become a clerk. I hope that 'my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty' were nice and polite to you when they replied. I cannot understand what has become of my photographs as I have sent you two now, however I shall try once again. Perhaps the censer thinks that they may be too much of a shock for you to stand. Yer own has not yet turned up, but I am living in hopes that it may before long.

I thought that all ladies like to be told that they are looking much younger than they really are; judging from your remarks I am somewhat wrong. You have rather snookered me now, I shall not know what you will expect me to say about your appearances in the photograph, when it comes. I am very sorry to hear that the meet in Reno was not the success it deserved to be: your father seems to have bad luck dodging him everywhere, but that boy riding 7 winners ought to be a fairly good advertisement for him.

I think that Honolulu or California would do you good and buck you up. The nurses at the 1st; Canadian Field Hospital have been having a bad time of it lately as there has been a lot of malaria about and several of them have been down with it, some have already been invalided home, but vacancies are not filled up, so they have to do more work than they did before. I must admit that they do not look much the worse for it. There are a good many girls of the type that want to do war work and are only an infernal nuiscance to everyone that they come into contact with. they are very good at getting their faces put in the papers, dressed in a most immaculate garment covered with Red Crosses, but I 'hae me doots' if they get much further. Of course there are a lot that are doing most splendid work, but they are not of the type that advertise themselves. I know the music of "L'Apres-midi d'un Faun" quite well, I have also heard i it murdered by a Maltese orchestra. I am with you every time about Puccini, Butterfly and Fianciula being my favourites. What are Ferris wheels, I have never run across them yet? I have been on a Joy-Wheel, why it should be called by that name defeats me as I was very nearly sick when I got off. The only explanation that I can think of is that it would be a great joy to be able to put your worst enemy on the rotten thing.

I am glad to hear that the Jone's do not worry you any more, anyhow it is their loss not yours

The weather has completely broken up here now, it is getting quite cold