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long business. I do hope that I shall get up and be able to get up soon and harass the Turks with my gun; it is the only was I have of helping them.

I am glad that you managed to get away on that fishing trip, it must have done you a lot of good. I am afraid that I am no fisherman myself. If I came out to Canada for a holiday after the war, I shall get you to teach me all about it, I should love it, everything and everybody nice seem to be a long way off now that one can only dream about them.

It must have been a great relief to you that your father got over his operation so well, I hope he is getting on alright.

Do write to me again soon, it does me such a lot of good as I write very few letters and get still less.

Yours ever

Jack Codrington

BC Archives MS-0089 Box 1 File 3 / GLASSFORD, Deborah Florence (Leighton). Correspondence inward, 1915.