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1918 Jan 24. 34th & 32nd Division of X corps people began to cover in Echr of Capt HR Dillow. Capt HH Harding Judge Advocate, Went to Cologne & bought a beautiful Goerg camera 10 x 15 crew. My compulsory hosh Herr Dieckman told me that his mother was Scotch. He had been in England. He invited we bring to my wife & children to stay with them when all was settled. The snake! 25. Did not leave today after all - Duncan, Chown & I left. Motored to Cologne & heard in the very fine opera house Cav. Rusticana & Bajazzo & (I. Pagliacci) Excellent. A real Our party was Duncan Chown McSeevy & Durrell. Dined at the Ewige Lasufe officers club & motored back to Dover. Excessively cold. 26. Fine but dull & v. cold. After eating breakfast from the Engineers, we thee started in the motor at 10 am Made Duren nearly frozen by 11 & stayed there till 12 then on to Aachen where we lunched at Palash Hotel ~ a fine place and charges reasonable. Food very fair. Just had time to admire the wonderful Hall of Charlemagne with its fine frescoes in the Rathhaus (now a Haus ) The small octagonal cathedral where the music was exquisite & then on again through the cold to Liege