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JOHN LEONARD NOTLEY, sworn saith :-

On the 8th instant I accompanied the Chief to 262 Main Street. Accused Ah Tom was lying on a bench smoking opium. I saw the Chief take a pipe off him and the remainder of the things produced were alongside him. There was a white man there, he appeared in a dazed condition. I arrested the white man by the chief’s instructions. I saw the tins produced at 262 Main Street, they contained opium, I know opium. The white man did not give any satisfactory answer at all to my questions.

I have seen Ah Tom at that house. I saw him there in the fall when I was collecting Road Tax. His store is shut up, he does not do any business there that I know of. There were some other chinamen in another part of the building.

I have seen white men go there, as I have been watching the place for some time.

BC Archives GR-0419 Box 155 File 1912/24 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Attorney General documents.