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4. JICK GOM. called as a witness, being first sworn,

          testified as follows: (Through interpreter)


33 Q Where do you live.?

  A 612 Pender street East, in the City of Vancouver.
4 Q Who do you live with.?
  A I live with Hop Tou.
5 Q What do you mean by ….

MR READ: No My Friend cannot cross-examine his own witness.

COURT: Is that her father.?

  A No he is simply a room mate with us.

COURT: Do you work for Hop Tou.?

  A No, the man is right there.
6 Q Who else lives in the house.?
  A And one of my cousins.
7 Q Male or female.?
  A Male.
8 Q What is his name.
  A Gin Sing.
9 Q Who else lives in the house.?
  A No, no one else.

40 Q Who cooks for Hop Tou.?

MR READ. I don’t know if this is material.

  A He has a wife.
1 Q (to interpreter) Now just try to get the answers in full Mr Sung. Hop Tou and his wife live there, she and her father, her cousin and who else.?
  A My father, Mother and brothers and sisters.
2 Q Do you know the accused.?
  A Yes I do.
3 Q How long have you known him.?
  A About five or six years.
4 Q He used to live at your house.?
  A Yes, when I lived in the house at the rear of 426 Pender Street east he lived with us.
5 A No did anything happen between you and the accused at

BC Archives GR-0419 Box 194 File 1914/211 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Attorney General documents.