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47.Q. You never seen their notice of incorporation? A. No, I asked for that night for the papers and he said Sewey had them. 48.Q After looking at this document have you any doubt that the club is incorporated? (Presents certificate of incorporation)? . xx Court: This witness cannot prove it. (Russell) I would like to put this in evidence. (Court) That must be proven first. (Russell) I will put in the Gazette instead. 49.Q. Did you bring up everything you found? A No. 50.Q. Did you see any Chinese literature? I did not. 51.Q. Did you see any books? I did not see any. We brought part of the stuff we seen in the room. 52.Q Have you had any experience with this club? A. I have not. 53.Q. What would you expect to find in a Chinese club? A. I don't knew. 54.Q. What would you expect to find in a whiteman's club? A. I would expect to see them sitting in a game. 55.Q. You would expect to find playing cards there? A. Yes. 56.Q. Chips? A.Yes. 57.Q. Dice? A. Probably. 58.S. Drinkx? A Yes. 59.Q. Cigars? A. Yes. 60.Q. Dominos? A. Yes. 61.Q. Chess? A.Yes. 62.Q. Checkers? A. Yes. 63.Q. The whiteman had not been educated to fan tan? A. I don't know that. 64.Q. You would not expect to find it in a whiteman's club, but you would expect to find it in a Chinese club? A. We call it gambling. 65.Q. I am talking about the paraphernalia--you would expect to find it in a Chinese Club--among the different Chinese games? A. I could not say that. 66.Q. You would as a matter of fact, that being one of their

BC Archives GR-0419 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 106 File 1905/9 Attorney General documents.