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world that sometimes a witness does not understand the question put and for the witness to say he does not understand what the Counsel meant . COURT: If the witness does not understand the question, let the question be put in Chinese and the answer be put in English.

 MR MORESBY:     I have attempted  to make him understand so that he  will not give it in Chinese.

MR. TAYLOR: I am told that this witness speaks English. MR MORESBY: I will attempt to go on in English in order to satisfy my learned friend and to show that we do not want to take any unfair advantage in this case at all. Q Wong , you try to answer me in English the best you can. You say you saw this stranger the second time to come back to the room, go over and Mann Quann by the cue; you have told us that now who else was in the room at that time ? A You mean who else in the room. at that tine Q Yes, what other men you see in the room at that time, any men with Wong Hung ? A Wong Hung come fir«t you see. Q Who come next ? A I show you— (indicating on plan) Q, He is now pointing to a position in close proximity to the table , where the table is shown on this plan. A Wong come here, and stand here just one second, and he run to here— to bed. Quann lay down here, and he jumped on to the chair and run here and hold Quann's cue, and he fight Quann on Quann's bed. BC Archives GR-0419 BRITISH COLUMBIA. AnORNEY GENERAL. Box 100 File 1904/10 Attorney General documents.