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A. He did'nt ask him- did'nt know nothing about it . I know he got some rice---

Q. (Interrupting) Did the witness that ?

A. (Continuing) At the time of the funeral I saw the rice upstairs myself.

Q. That will do.

No cross-examination.

Tom Wi ng, sworn, saith:- Question by Mr. Devitt: Your name ?

A. Lee.

Q. Lee what ?

A. (Wit) Tom Wing.

Q. Where do you live ?

A. (Wit) Live in laundry.

A. (Int) With Bo Wing Chung.

Q. Ask him if he knows Sing ?

A. (Wit) No I did not know him.

Q. Ask him if he has ever seen him ?

A. (Int) No; he never saw him.

Q. I refer to the dead man.

A. (Int) Well, him and I come down from Rossland.

Q. This man is a stranger in Trail ?

A. Not stopping here.

Q. That's all.

No cross-examination.

No Statement of Accused.

BC Archives GR-0419 Box 95 File 1903/18 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Attorney General documents.